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Fire Department Schedules Booster Pump Replacement

A contractor working for the Sevierville Fire Department will be replacing a booster pump with an upgraded pump on Maggie Mack lane tomorrow, Wednesday, June 29, 2016. Work is scheduled to begin at approximately 8:00AM.

As bombas de reforço são utilizadas para aumentar a pressão da água para fins de combate a incêndios. A bomba que está sendo substituída atende a comunidade de Saddleback Ridge.

Residents should not experience any interruption in water service and traffic should not be affected. Weather and other conditions permitting, the work will be completed by 6:00PM.


Bob Stahlke, Oficial de Informação Pública

300 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37864-5500
Telefone: +865.453.5506 XNUMX